To ensure that your organization fits within our foundation's funding criteria, please carefully review the funding guidelines information below:
The Foundation will consider funding for policy organizations which:
- Advance a better understanding of free enterprise, free markets, limited government and personal responsibility
- Educate the next generation of liberty-minded leaders
- Preserve individual rights (e.g., free speech, religious freedom), property rights and the rule of law
Areas of funding the Foundation is not considering at this time:
- Capital projects
- Endowments
- Individuals
- Scholarships
- Sponsorships
- Debt retirement
- Museums or museum projects
- Science or medical research
- Churches or church-related projects
- Human service organizations or programs
- Organizations which receive tax-derived funding
- Private and public colleges and universities, and programs of these schools
- Policy groups which focus primarily on national defense and foreign affairs
- Publications, media and media-related projects (e.g., books, films, documentaries)
The Foundation does not consider grants to organizations that in policy or practice discriminate on the basis of race, creed or gender.
YES, our request meets this criteria >>
<< Our request does not meet this criteria